What is the average cost of a home in Carrboro, NC? Using sales of homes in Carrboro since January 2005 this is what you get:
153 homes have sold in Carrboro.
65 of those were detached, single family homes. The avg price for these homes was $292,000, 2020 sq/ft, with 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, selling at 99% of its asking price. ($145 per sq/ft)
88 of those were condo or townhome units. The avg price for a condo/townhome was $153,000, 1153 sq/ft, with 2 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, selling at 99% of its asking price.($132 per sq/ft)
These numbers are purely AVERAGES. Remember from high school, you take all the information, add it together, and divide it by the number of units (in this case homes). Don't make your purchase decision based on this one blog entry. This information is soley designed to get you aquainted with what a home will ROUGHLY cost.
Does a family really need 2000 sq/ft to 'roam' in their home? Personally, I feel if 2000+ sq/ft is what your family feels comfortable in-go for it. In fact I love a home with a open, spacious master bedroom with a walk-in closet and fabulous master bath.
Is a home in Carrboro really worth $145 a square foot? Sure. In fact, lots of people spend lots of money for the opportunity to live in our town. What's not to love? The Chapel Hill/Carrboro Schools are excellent, our local co-op grocery is the best place to spend a Thursday night, and our downtown is full of local business you can't find anywhere else in the state.
So as you continue the hunt for a home in Carrboro, don't lose sight of one of the most important goals throughout your real esate transaction: to become a member of our Carrboro Community. Trust me, once you move in, you'll be glad you did.